My Patreon Family


I'd LOVE for you to join my Patreon family. If you’re wondering, “What the heck is Patreon?” here is the basic gist: Patreon is a membership platform that provides a place for creators to run a subscription content service, with ways for artists to build relationships and provide exclusive experiences to their subscribers, or "patrons".

And can I add that it's just plain fun? If you want to be more connected to my work as a musician, my Patreon family is the place to be. It is where I literally shower folks with all my creativity. Don't be scared! LOL.

New songs, new videos, concert info - it all goes out to patrons first. Behind the scenes, exclusive content, discounts and concert tickets... yep, all that too. Plus access to everything I’ve created and shared on Patreon since I began in 2018!

I adore my patrons. Sharing my music with folks that care deeply about it means the absolute world to me, and the monthly support I receive through Patreon goes a long way in encouraging and funding my creative work.

Here are some sweet patron testimonials from my Patreon family:

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"Being one of Naomi's patrons has given me a way to do more than financially support a working artist, but also has allowed me to interact, keep up to date, and learn about her as an artist. I support her because as she continues to evolve as a musician, I want to be a part of her journey!" By Heather Schrock, Naomi’s patron since January 2018

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"When I realized both the depth of Naomi's talent and her willingness to share the abundance of her gifts so lavishly, supporting her by becoming a patron was an easy choice. Not only is she a skilled and versatile pianist, a talented singer, songwriter, arranger and composer, but all of that virtuosity also happens to be wrapped up in an uncommonly kind and generous soul. Naomi has positively impacted so many lives as she has traveled her path, and being a patron has allowed me the singular honor of playing a small role in that journey!" By Melissa Canaday, Naomi's patron since January 2018

I adore my patrons! So so so much thanks to Heather and Melissa for these generous words full of kindness and support. ❤️

Please consider joining my Patreon family for $1 (or more!) a month. Find all the info about rewards, tiers and more at my Patreon page! The button below will take you there...

I'm very thankful to make a living as an independent artist thanks to the support of my wonderful patrons. I hope that the music I create connects with people. That people feel understood when they hear it. I hope it heals and inspires. If this feels important to you in some way, then Patreon is the place where you get to help make more of that possible.

Love, peace and music,

- naomi

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Naomi LaViolette