

Welcome to my little spot on the web, www.naomilmusic.com

I’ve been at this indie-singer-songwriter-pianist venture since 2011. But with the ever-changing state of technology, my website has gone through many iterations since then, and THIS iteration begins today, Jan. 1, 2018. And, so also, my “Updates.”

If you’d like to find out more about my musical work prior to 2018, by all means, drop me an email (naomi@naomilmusic.com)! I’d love to hear from you.

My music can be found in all the usual places (iTunes, Amazon, Spotify) and purchased at my SHOP. You can also ask whichever digital robot you prefer (like Alexa, or Siri) to play my music.

Thank you for your interest in my creative work, and please subscribe to my music email list in the form below to receive updates about new music, upcoming concerts, news and special giveaways.

You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. And if you want to REALLY connect with me and my musical work, please join my Patreon family - all are welcome!

It means so much to me to share my music with you. I hope my songs bring you joy, comfort and hope.

love, peace, and music to you,

- naomi

Naomi LaViolette