Saving Mother Earth (SA)

Need a song for Earth Day in April?  This is an easy arrangement, accessible for most beginning/intermediate SA choirs.  Steven Goodwin's lyrics are a love song to our world: "Let's love the woods, protect the plains, let's save the deer, the hawks and cranes."

SA / Piano
Duration: 3:09

Note: This is a digital score (PDF).

Price is $3/Copy. Please consider how many copies you need for singers, accompanist and conductor.

Links to purchase:

1-25 Copies
26-50 Copies
51-75 Copies
76-100 Copies
100+ Copies
contact Naomi

Buy copies in one of the bundled amounts listed above and purchaser will immediately receive a link to download and make licensed copies of the score. (Discount included in copy bundles!)

To purchase a more specific amount of copies, fill out the purchase order form HERE (please allow more time for processing). Minimum order of 20 copies. Thank you!


The tainted skies, the littered seas
The forest cleared of ancient trees
The icebergs fall, the climates rise
It happens now before our eyes

Let's love the woods, protect the plains
Let's save the deer, the hawks and cranes
Let's lead the way, let's show them how
It's Mother Earth who needs us now

Let's be the force, let's clear the air
Let's save the trees and the wildlife there
Let's lend some hope and show we care
Let's keep the faith, who will join us there?

Who'll save the seas, who'll clean the air?
Who'll join our cause and gather there?
Let them be strong, may they be wise
And look at Earth through mother's eyes

Let's love the woods, protect the plains
Let's save the deer, the hawks and cranes
Let's lead the way, let's show them how
It's Mother Earth who needs us now